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Driving Value Through Video

We help the nation’s top dealerships increase revenues and improve shop efficiency with turnkey, personalized automotive service videos.

Dealerships Have An Opportunity

While auto repair videos have been proven to be important tools, creating them often falls on busy technicians who are skilled at repairing vehicles—not filming video content. Automotive Videos Made Simple (AVMS) builds value on suggested repairs by showing customers why their recommendations matter. Your customers immediately receive our professionally produced videos following the Multi-Point Inspection, resulting in a high percentage of approvals within 30 minutes of receipt. Service writers follow pre-vetted video scripts to reinforce the value of our recommendations.


Showcase your dealership’s expertise
Our team’s library of professional, personalized auto service videos target the majority of your customer pay services, building customer trust by highlighting the quality of your work.


Educate customers with videos
One of nine pre-made, high-quality videos is sent along with photos of your customer’s specific vehicle to reinforce the recommendations. This process enhances their understanding, building trust and creating customers for life.


Seamless communication with customers
Your customer learns about what their vehicle needs, reviews your recommendations, and conveniently approves and pays for the service on their device, making the process seamless and efficient.


Recapture lost opportunities
If customers decline service work without watching the videos, we immediately resend them after they’ve picked up their vehicles. And, if customers do watch the videos, we also resend them 3 days after vehicle pickup. This follow-up process has led to recapturing over 10% of lost sales opportunities.

Real Quality. Real Results.

AVMS helps drive success for dealerships. With our high-quality videos sent consistently to customers, dealerships can expect to see a significant increase in approvals, revenue, customer satisfaction and retention. In our tests, technician morale also improved, fueled by a smoother process that sells customer pay work and allows technicians to focus on what they do best, repair vehicles. Based on our pilot program, dealerships saw:


Increase in Total Labor


Increase Customer Pay Labor


Increase in Projected Annualized Revenue (Labor & Parts)
*Actual dealer performance data. Individual dealer performance may vary.

Contact Us

Let's make the future exciting together.

Contact us today to learn more about how AVMS can help your dealership, to answer any questions, or to request a full product demo.

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